FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot Study Guides
FAA Part 107 Study Guides
Download essential FAA part 107 remote pilot study guides for free. These study guides are required resources to help you pass your remote pilot drone test. These free resources contain all of the information required to help you learn the rules and regulations regarding commercial drone operations in the United States. These part 107 study guides are directly from the FAA, so these resources will provide you with the most current and comprehensive information available. The following part 107 study guides include:
- How to register for the relevant certifications required to operate a drone or UAS.
- How to operate an sUAS in accordance to FAA regulations.
- How to register with the FAA.
- Understanding commercial restrictions.
- sUAS operation limitations.
- Nighttime operations.
- Operations over people.
- Hazardous flight operations and altitudes.
- Radio communications.
- Weather and meteorology.
- Accident reporting.
- Best practices and responsibilities of a drone pilot.
- Visual line of sight operations.
- Right of way rules and flying over people.
- METAR report and TAF report.
- Stages of thunderstorm and cloud formation.
- Airspace classifications.
FAA Part 107 Study Guides for:
FAA-CT-8080-2H Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement
This FAA 2018 publication is current and the download is the same booklet you will be given at a PSI exam testing center to use as reference to answer some of your exam questions.
FAA-H-8083-25C Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
This 2023 FAA PDF publication contains information that will be on your remote pilot exam however, not everything within the 522 pages are required knowledge. We suggest that you use this resource along with our course classroom.
FAA-G-8082-22 Remote Pilot Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Study Guide
The FAA last updated this publication August 2016, so this is the most current FAA publication. This publication does not include everything you’ll need to know to take your final exam. We recommend using this publication along with the Aeronautical Sectional Charts User Guide below.
FAA Aeronautical Sectional Charts User Guide-Current
This is a 2024 FAA resource which provides updated information on aeronautical sectional charts, airspace classes, airport and runway icons, explanations of obstacles, elevations, prohibited areas, restricted areas, plus much more. The Aeronautical Chart Users’ Guide is a 50MB 137-page PDF document. It is recommended that you download and save this publication, and also re-visit this FAA page often for updates.
FAA Chart Supplement-Current
This FAA page provides updated digital downloads to the U.S. Chart Supplements as well as other resources required to operate as a commercial sUAS remote pilot.
FAA Risk Management Handbook-Current
This is the current 2022 FAA Risk Management Handbook which provides information to help remote pilots recognize and manage risk. This handbook provides a higher level of training to the remote pilot in command to better understand the aviation environment and become a better pilot and also provides key elements of risk decision-making to determine if the risk is justified and how to manage risks as well.
Like with many of these handbook downloads, not all of the information contained within each book applies to the part 107 exam. This is why it can be beneficial to subscribe to our FAA Remote Pilot Drone Courses as out courses sort through all of this information and only provide you with the materials required to pass the part 107 aeronautical exam.
All FAA Airmen Training Documents & Study Materials
This FAA web page contains links to updates and important information remote pilots should be aware of. We recommend visiting this site for additional sample questions from the FAA, advisory circular updates, and much more.
FAA: Federal Aviation Administration Links
Aeronautical Maps NOTAMS – Important Links to Bookmark
Chart Supplements U.S. (digital downloads updated bi-monthly)
FAA NOTAMS Nationwide
FAA Advisory Circulars
FAA Airmen Services Logon
Code of Federal Regulations
FAA Code of Federal Regulations
Aeronautical Chart User’s Guide
Code of Federal Regulations Part 107
Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge | FAA Website
Regulations & Policies | Advisory Circulars
Operations Over People
UAS Registered/Certified Remote Pilots
NOAA Weather Map
Live Air Traffic Control Broadcasting