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Free FAA Part 107 Remote Drone Pilot
Practice Exam 2

1. What is the approximate latitude and longitude of Cooperstown Airport?
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2. In the TAF from KOKC, the clear sky becomes:
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3. What is the relationship of lift, drag, thrust, and weight, when the airplane is in a straight and level flight?


4. What does the dashed magenta line east of Area 6 indicate?
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5. What are the wind conditions at Winkler County Airport (KINK)?
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6. What is the valid period for the TAF for KMEM?
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7. What is the purpose of the rudder on a fixed-wing aircraft?


8. What minimum elevation should a manned aircraft pilot fly to clear all obstacles in the quadrants surrounding Montrose Regional Airport (MTJ)?
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9. Which of the following is considered a “ceiling”?


10. The FAA wants you to determine the approximate latitude and longitude of Minot Intl Airport.
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11. What is the definition of CTAF?


12. The elevation of the Chesapeake Regional Airport (Area 2) is:
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13. What effect does high density altitude have on the efficiency of an sUAS propeller?


14. What multicom frequency is used at a non-towered airport when UNICOM isn’t available?


15. The wind direction and velocity at KJFK is from:
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Purchase Timed 60-Question Practice Exams

Professional corporations and institutions know the importance of repetitious learning as studies prove the brain forms new pathways when a task is repeated often. The Drone Coach has served over 15,000 customers who all prefer to use our timed multiple choice FAA Part 107 60-question practice exams. Our exams are similar to the actual Part 107 Remote Pilot Airman Knowledge Exam which can aid as a refresher course to take right before you schedule your exam at a PSI testing center.

We have provided this sample 15-question practice exam. If you like the way this practice exam is presented, then purchase our timed 60-question practice exams for only $49.00. This one-time purchase will provide you with lifetime access and three (3) timed practice exams. Plus, additional practice exams will be added as the FAA updates part 107.

These questions are shuffled with every visit so take the test as often as you want and your score with correct and incorrect answers will be provided at the end of this practice exam.

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