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FREE FAA Part 107 Remote Drone Pilot Course Video

We provide this free FAA part 107 remote drone pilot video exam prep to help you pass the FAA Airman’s Aeronautical Knowledge Exam. This 15 minute video provides definitions and answers to just about every phraseology contained within the part 107 exam. Additionally, we provide several important website links so you have additional access to prepare for your remote pilot exam.

If this information is too much to digest in itself, then you can also watch our free comprehensive video lessons on our YouTube channel. These video lessons detail everything including nighttime flying, crew resource management, the national airspace systems, aeronautical sectional charts, aviation weather, sUAS regulations, and more.

FAA Remote Pilot Knowledge Exam

FAA Recommended Part 107 Study Materials

Here are links to down the Airman Knowledge Testing Supplement and the FAA Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge.  A lot of the information within these handbooks may be in your remote pilot exam. For this reason, the FAA has provided separate downloads to each chapter for ease-of-reference. All of the information you need to know to pass the part 107 exam is found within our online classes. However, if you need additional help, you may purchase lifetime access to our practice questions and quizzes.

If this information seems a little overwhelming, then The Drone Coach help you. We realize there’s a lot of information to retain. And you’re likely still wondering which information will be on the FAA Airman’s Knowledge Exam. Fortunately, we’ve condensed this information down to seven hours of video lessons for just $49. In addition, we provide over 300 practice questions covering every topic that will be in the final exam, two timed practice exams, and printed materials too. We’re confident that if you devote about 30 hours’ time studying our videos and course materials, we know you’ll be well on your way to become what we like to call, a Remote Pilot in Demand™!

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